Vinos Pingüinos, Benjamin Lynn

As a queer-run small wine business in our first year, we believe that diversity is not just a value, but a necessity. We understand that the wine industry, like many others, has been historically exclusive and dominated by a particular demographic. This is why we have made it part of our mission to create a wine business – Vinos Pingüinos, that not only welcomes diversity but celebrates it.

We believe that wine is a beverage that brings people together, and it is our responsibility to create a space that is inclusive and welcoming to everyone. This means that we will actively seek out and promote wines from diverse winemakers, regions, and grape varietals. We will highlight the stories and experiences of underrepresented communities in the wine industry, including LGBTQIA+ individuals, people of color, and women.

We also recognize that diversity is not just about the wines we offer but the people we sell to. We are committed to reaching diverse communities as well, and actively seek to expand our customer base beyond the typical demographic. We believe that having a diverse customer base leads to more innovative ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Additionally, while at the moment, we are a one-person company, as we move toward growth and look toward the future, we will strive to hire with diversity and inclusivity in mind.

We believe that wine is not just a beverage but a cultural experience. This is why we will create events, tastings, and educational opportunities that celebrate and highlight the diversity of the wine world. We will seek to create a space where everyone feels comfortable and welcome, regardless of their background or level of wine knowledge.

We also understand that our business is not just about selling wine, but about creating a positive impact on the world. We will use our platform to raise awareness about social justice issues, including those that affect the LGBTQIA+ community. We will partner with organizations and initiatives that promote diversity and inclusivity in the wine industry and beyond.

We recognize that there may be challenges along the way, but we are committed to doing the work to create a more diverse and inclusive wine industry. We will not shy away from difficult conversations or uncomfortable situations. Instead, we will embrace them with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to learn and grow.

Above all, we believe that wine is not only a beverage, but an elixir that can bring people together and create connections across diverse backgrounds and experiences. We hope that our commitment to diversity inspires others to do the same, and together we can create a more inclusive and accepting world, one glass of wine at a time.

Goals, year 1:

Using buying power to promote diverse producers. For the 6 bottle club release, 1/6 must be a diverse producer.

Stats, year 1: Goal achieved, and more!

Release One: 1/6 diverse producers, one woman

Release Two: 2/6 diverse producers. two women

Release Three: 3/6 diverse producers, two women, one Latinx husband/wife team

Release Four: 4/6 diverse producers, three women, two Latinx

Release Five: 2.5/6 diverse producers, two women, one husband/wife team

Release Six: 2 - 4/6, TBD, at least two women and one LGBTQ+

Average: 2.58 projected


This wasn’t a goal necessarily, but I strive to buy diverse whenever I can, especially for my online shop. I did a calculation and determined that of the 2286 bottles I purchased so far in my first year, 921 of them were by diverse producers – a whopping 42%!

I also donated $20 a month to Planned Parenthood.

Goals, year 2:

·      Keep my Average 6-bottle Release diversity rate at 2.5. Note this far exceeds my starting goal of 1/6.

·      I want to maintain this donation level and expand to include Trans-rights advocacy and to donate $20 a month to that cause.

·      Increase my diversity rate for total bottles purchased to 50%.